

HABCOM TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION was founded by dynamic enthusiatic engineers in automation field, our business specializes in products & sevices supporting to industries.

Main products & Services

– Providing equipment of measurement and analysis in industries: pH, Pressure, Chlorine,…
– Providing control devices: PLCs, Inverters,…
– Providing data transmission devices.
– Providing actuator equipment: Pumps, Valves,…
– Providing sets of enviromental monitoring.
– Training courses of programming PLC/SCADA.
– Consulting solutions of automation control, SCADA system.
– Providing & installing electrical control cabinets.
– Providing sevices of maintaining & repairing electrical systems.

Our developing goal is providing for customers with products and services, being willing to consult customers about effective, synchronous solutions with lowest cost and in a shortest period of time.

With the principles of “Win-Win” and “Always Improve To Get Better”, HABCOM’s always looking forward to a quality working team, quality products & services, building brand reputation, trust to customers with our products & services.

Based on the trust and supports from the customers during the last time, they’re the big encouragement helping us develop HABCOM constantly. We honestly promise that we will keep improving, serving customers with our best.